As a school, we value our partnership with our parent community, as we endeavour to work collaboratively in order to create a safe and caring environment for our children. This includes creating a safe and caring journey to and from school as well as within our school day, for our students and families. The following information is in an effort to communicate expectations for our community regarding parking, pedestrian safety, entry and exit procedures, and security with our building.
Neighbourhood Courtesy:
A reminder to all parents to be courteous with regards to our community neighbours. Please be mindful of driveways, sidewalks and congestion during our busy times. Bylaw officers regularly patrol the area and complaints will be directed to their office by community members.
Parking and Drop Off Zones:
Our parking lot is for staff only and anyone who has a valid accessible parking placard or plate. All visitors and parents are asked to park on the street. In order to ensure the safety of our children and to alleviate congestion and confrontation, it is essential that parents DO NOT drive into the parking lot to drop off or pick up their child. Please do not use the entrance driveway to turn your vehicle around. This causes unnecessary congestion and limited visibility that places our students at risk.
There is a drop-off zone located outside the main school doors. This zone can only accommodate three cars at a time. This area is for immediate drop off and pick up of students. Cars may not remain parked in this zone for any period of time.
A reminder that there are signs posted on either side of the crosswalk that indicate there should be no parking within 5 metres of the crosswalk. Encourage your children to use the designated crosswalk area to avoid jaywalking. Administration has been consulting our local city bylaw to help reinforce parking in this crosswalk area. Cars that are in violation of the posted signs may be ticketed.
We are strongly encouraging all families that routinely pick up their after school children to use a designated area away from these trouble zones to ensure the safe crossing and reduce risk to all students. We truly need everyone’s cooperation and best effort to faithfully follow the recommendations. Please communicate this information with aunts, uncles, grandparents, spouses who may be dropping off or picking your child(ren).
Jaywalking/Safe Street Crossing:
Please help us to model for all of our students safe street crossing behaviours. Please choose safety over convenience by accessing our school patrols at the lighted crosswalk. This is the only safe route for all students and adults to access our school. Please do not encourage your child to jaywalk between parked cars for everyone’s safety. Modelling is key for our students!
Morning Entry/Afternoon Exit Procedures:
Supervision at our school begins at 8:10 am. Our first bell rings at 8:25 am and students will enter the school through their designated doors at this time. At 8:30 am we have welcoming music in our school hallways that signals when a student is late. Students must report to our front office to receive a late slip prior to entering their classroom as attendance has already been completed at this time.
After school, all students will be dismissed through their designated doors. Students will walk around to the front of the building to meet parents for pickup. Please designate an area for pickup with your child so that your child knows where the meeting spot is.
Sports Academy Mornings (TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY):
Sports Academy students may access the school through our main front doors on their dryland days. All Sports Academy students are asked to change and meet with their coach for the day in the small gym by 8:00 am. If students arrive early, they are to wait in the small gym where their coach will supervise them.
At the end of the day, all Sports Academy students will retrieve their sports equipment from the Sport Academy office. All Sports Academy students will exit the school using the Grade 6 door (near Ms. Leis’ room). Students will walk to designated safe crosswalks to meet parents for pickup at south and west ends of school.
Parents are a vital and welcome partner in our school community. We ask that you assist us in maintaining a safe school upon your arrival
Security and Visitors:
Visitors are always welcome to Albert Lacombe School, but MUST report to the office to receive permission to be on the school property. All parents and visitors are required to sign in upon arrival and sign out when leaving. A Visitor/Volunteer nametag must be visible at all times. Such procedures minimize disruptions and ensure a degree of safety for our children. Parents picking up their children from school are asked to report to the office, and their child will be called to the office at this time.
Parents/visitors that do not have a visible visitor tag, will be redirected back to the main office to ensure safety and security protocols have taken place. Persons who are unlawfully on the premises may be charged with trespassing under the Alberta School Act.
The main door is reserved for parents, teachers, staff and visitors. All students are to enter and exit through assigned entrances. With the exception of the main entrance, all outside doors leading into the building will be locked for most of the day to ensure maximum amount of
security for your children. The boot room entrances will be opened for students in the morning, at recess and during the noon hour so that students have access to the building.
Arrangement Before/After School (Playdates, pickup times and places):
Please arrange these with your child prior to the school day to avoid additional messages to our front office and interruption of class time.
Illness/Doctor’s Appointments:
If your child is sick, they will be waiting in our main office for pickup by parents.
If you are picking your child up for an appointment, parents will come to the main office to sign out their child and we will call your child down to minimize class disruptions. Please remember to notify the office of all student absences.
Consulting With Your Child’s Teacher:
The faculty of Albert Lacombe School feels that regular communication between home and school is important to student progress and supportive relationships. We encourage communication whenever concerns, questions or bouquets should be shared. Conferences with the teachers and administrators are welcomed at all times. We ask that you contact the teacher involved prior to visiting the school so that they can prepare a complete report. Teachers can be contacted through email, calling our main office or a note in your child’s agenda.
Please keep the school informed of anything that may affect your child’s education!
Our teachers often use their morning time prior to student’s arrival to further plan and organize materials for the school day. Teachers also consult with one another and are assigned to school supervision in the morning.
Thank you for helping us by following our safety and security procedures during all times of the day. We welcome and appreciate feedback. Please contact Mr. Menduk, if you have suggestions to further enhance the safety at our school.
Last updated on August 9, 2024