Report Card Information For June 25th
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As we are undertaking a new process for issuing report cards in light of COVID-19, we wanted to provide our parents and guardians additional information so parents and guardians know what to expect on Thursday.
- The report cards will be sent out via email commencing at 3:00 PM on Thursday June 25. Report cards should all be delivered by no later than 5:00PM to your emails.
- If you have not received your child's report card by 5:00 PM, please check your spam filters.
- All report cards will be a secure document. There will be a link for parents to click on where a password will need to be entered.
- The password is your child's date of birth. You will need to enter your child’s birthdate in the following format mm/dd/yyyy (for example, 03/06/2010). Please note that you need to add the zero before the month and day number if it is less than 10
- For parents and guardians who have multiple children at our school, we are unable to send them in one email. Therefore, please check your email accounts for multiple report card messages.
Should you encounter any problems, please contact the school at 780-459-4478.
Yours in education,
Allan Menduk, Principal