Albert Lacombe Annual Food Drive

As a tradition, Albert Lacombe Catholic Elementary our school will once again participate in our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive.
A portion of the harvest is set aside for the poor and the stranger (Leviticus 19:9-10).
Biblical teachings instruct us in the preferential respect due to the poor and the special situation they have in society: poverty limits our community's members to be full and active participants in our community. Those who have more than they need are called to share what they have so the needs of all can be met for the common good of our community.
Beginning on Tuesday, October 1, until Friday, October 18, families who wish to participate are welcome to send in non-perishable food donations with their children during this time.
All food items will be donated to Sacred Heart Parish in Edmonton as part of our continued support and efforts toward Truth and Reconciliation. In 1993, Archbishop MacNeil of Edmonton designated Sacred Heart Parish “The official Parish for the Catholic First Nations Peoples of Edmonton and surrounding communities.” Sacred Heart Parish is a unique Catholic community of Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous people. Parishioners come together in the spirit of community to pray using symbols, music, and rituals that are meaningful to Indigenous People and culture.
Sacred Heart Parish is located in the inner city of Edmonton. Sacred Heart Parish's outreach ministries are an important part of downtown Edmonton's social services network. Holding free community meals monthly, the church also serves as the epicentre of a Christmas hamper charity program.
Our Food Donations will go a long way to help the poor in the community