50 Gainsborough Avenue
St. Albert , AB T8N 0W5
Phone: 780-459-4478
Fax: 780-458-6123
These are some of the important dates for our start up for the 2021-22 school year:
Monday, August 23 - Office Opens to the General Public
Friday August 27 - Parents/Guardians will be informed of Child's homeroom class placement by homeroom teacher
Monday, August 30 - School Closed during office fours (Division Wide Professional Development Day)
Monday August 30 - Meet the faculty (School Supply Drop Off as well) 5:00-6:00PM
Tuesday, August 31 - Staggered Entry Day for students with Last names beginning with A-K
Wednesday, September 1 - Staggered Entry Day for students with Last names beginning with L-Z.
Thursday, September 2 - First full day of classes for all students
Further information regarding our fall start up, including school supply lists can be for in our summer bulletin issued to our families. You can access a copy of the bulletin here: AL BEAR Bones 2021 Summer Edition. During the week of August 16, we will be sending out further and more specific information to all of our families regarding school start up in the fall.
50 Gainsborough Avenue
St. Albert , AB T8N 0W5
Phone: 780-459-4478
Fax: 780-458-6123