Agenda 2018/2019

October 2nd

1. We are still looking for gently used book donations for our "Book Swap" for tomorrow. Thank you so much for all of the parent donations that have already been made to go towards the "Book Swap."

2. Wear a hat Wednesday is tomorrow in support of the Food Bank. 

3. Social quiz needs to be signed and handed in by Friday (province/territory/cardinal points) 

4. Students were given their Math study guide for their unit test on Friday. They are to practice the questions at home to prepare them for their test. 


Have a good night everyone!

October 5th

1. Students wrote their Math unit test today on patterns and equations. 

2. Students do not have school on Monday or Tuesday. 

3. Students had two special guest readers for read in week this week and chose a book to take home from book swap today. 

4. In French, students worked on their Mon Horaire (My schedule) time table today. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the long weekend. 

October 10th 2018

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 

1. Halloween Dance order forms are due on October 21st. 

2. Book orders were given out to the students today and are due on October 22nd.

3. We Day students are leaving on Friday and need to have their forms in by tomorrow!

4. Students are working on drawing and interpreting circuit diagrams and are to draw 3 different types of circuits for parents tonight and explain the circuit symbols they are using. 

October 12th

1. Hockey pool form was handed out today to the students. 

2. French timetable subject assignment is due on Monday.

3. Mundare sausage orders are due on October 19th. 

4. Book orders are due on October 22nd. 

October 16th 2018

1. French time tables were due today. 

2. We are collecting Loonie for Turkey donations for Christmas. It is also hat day tomorrow at school.

3. Math test was given back to students today and they need to be signed and back to me for Friday. 

4. Students are to have their rough draft for their outer space paragraph due tomorrow. 

Have a good day today!

October 18th

1. early dismissal is tomorrow. Students are done at 11:40 am.

2. Science Test is on Monday. Students did 2 review kahoots today and they were given their study guide to take home along with their Science duotangs. 

3. Art cards were given out today and orders are due October 26th. 

October 26th 2018

1. Telus World of Science field trip was handed out and is due on Wednesday, October 31st. 

2. Wear black and orange day is October 31st. 

3. The Halloween party is in the afternoon on Wednesday, October 31st. 

October 31st 2018

1. Students worked on their sentences openers today. Their sentence openers are due tomorrow. 

2. Students have been working on their Halloween Haunted house for sale paragraphs. They are due on Friday. We went over the rubric today as a class. All of the assignments are on google classroom with the title "Paragraph Writing"

November 8th 2018

1. Razz kids 3 stories and questions over the long weekend. 

2. Social Regions project due Tuesday. Students will present their Google Slide or Poster on Tuesday.