Hi 2U Families!
Please use this site to stay updated on what we did in class and what is assigned in the agenda.
Spelling words:
- Art
- Card
- Sharp
- Shark
- Dark
- Jaguar
- Handlebar
- Superstar
- Guitar
- scar
November 30, 2016
Today, in class...
- We looked at ghost words (silent letters)
- We visualized while we read one a read aloud
- We practiced our Christmas songs
- In math, we explored comparing two numbers
- In science, we finished up our commercials
- Read to self for 10 minutes
- Practice spelling words
- Get permission form signed/returned
- Get report card signed/returned
November 28, 2016
Today, in class...
- We had a morning meeting. The next two week's focus is respectful language.
- We had an assembly on respectful language
- In math we looked at comparing two numbers (greater than; less than)
- Gym with Mr. Hayes
- In science we continued working on our commercials
- Library tom.
- Read to self for 10 mins
- Spelling test on Fri.
- Spelling due on Fri.
- Half day on Fri.
- Permission form
Spelling words:
- Sister
- Winter
- Lighter
- Writer
- Dancer
- Answer
- Further
- Better
- Computer
- Together
November 17, 2016
Today, in class...
- We had a morning meeting and talked about respect
- We did a reading comprehension and looked at more "er" ending words
- we practiced our Christmas concert songs
- In science students created commercials about science and conserving water
- in social studies we looked at Inuit culture
- Spelling due tomorrow
- Spelling test tomorrow
- You can bring mini sticks tomorrow
November 15, 2016
Today, in class...
- We began a writer's workshop. Students gathered ideas that they are interested in and know a lot about and wrote about them
- We spent some time on RazKids and looked for "er" ending words
- We practiced our spelling words on Spelling City
- In music, we practiced our Christmas songs
- Library
- In the afternoon, we had an art class on collages and shades
- We finished off the afternoon with religion where we discussed Peter the first appointed Pope by Jesus and students are to look into where Pope Francis lives
- Spelling due on Friday
- Spelling test on Friday
- Read for 10 mins on Raz Kids
- Find out where Pope Francis lives
November 14, 2016
Today, in class...
- We had a morning meeting. There are very exciting news for the next week to come! Stay tuned for an email.
- Introduced "er" ending words. Students looked in their books and gathered as many "er" ending words they could find and wrote 2 sentences with them.
- We had a school wide assembly, looking at what it means to be a BEAR. This week, we are focusing on respect.
- In math, we looked at word problems. If you have 5 coins, and a total of $0.45, what coins do I have?
- We looked at why it is important to save water and different ways to save water. We created posters to be hung up in the hallway
- Each student did a self-assessment on how they think they are doing as a learner
- Spelling test on Friday
- Spelling due on Friday
- Library books back tomorrow
Today, in class...
- We worked in our Journals writing about what we did this weekend. Students had the option to complete their journals on their google account and share with me
- We looked at King Ing - adding the suffix "ing" to verbs to make them present
- In math we looked at place value and using rods and cubes to show our understanding of numbers
- In art we looked at depth and perspective. We created beautiful landscape portraits of poppy fields.
- No school on Friday (Remembrance Day)
- Assembly on Thursday at 10:45 am
- Library tomorrow
- Teddy Bear Toss ticket sale
- Bake sale on Wednesday for the WE Day Committee
- Spelling test on Thursday. Spelling homework due on Thursday.
November 1, 2016
Today, in class...
- We looked at making predictions on the books we are reading
- We wrote in our journals about our Halloween trick-or-treating stories
- We did cross-curricular math and language arts (How much is your word worth?!)
- We estimated and then counted. We looked at different strategies to estimate
- In social studies we looked at Inuit culture - throat singing
- In the computer lab we played on Math Prodigy
- In the gym we played team building games
- We finished off the day in library
- Spelling due Thursday
- Spelling test on Thursday
- No school on Friday
October 31, 2016
Today, in class...
- We had a morning meeting
- We made predictions while doing a read aloud
- We looked at our "EA" spelling words for the week
- We estimated in math
- This afternoon, we had an assembly and we made slime and watched a Halloween episode of Scooby Do
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
This weeks spelling words: please see your child's purple spelling duotang
October 27, 2016
Today, in class...
- We did spelling practice homework with working with words
- We played Piggy Bank Scavenger Hunt, practicing counting with 5s, 10s (nickels, dimes)
- We did a music class on Halloween songs
- We created a weather report for a selected community in Canada
- We looked at water properties and surface tension
- We finished the day with DPA: Silent Ball
- Spelling homework due tomorrow
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Halloween party on Monday
- Halloween dance tomorrow night
October 24, 2016
Today, in class...
- We worked on our book study on Stellaluna
- We looked at "ue" words
- We were counting with money in math by 5s, 10s
- In religion, we looked at the Apostles Creed and its significance to Catholics
- We continued working on our Stellaluna book study
- Please ensure that the Stellaluna Point of View is completed and handed in tomorrow. Students were given "2 stars and a wish" - 2 great things I admired from their work, and 1 thing to work on.
- Please ensure that students spelling duotangs are brought in on Mondays and Fridays. I will be putting their spelling words for the week in there.
- Spelling test on Friday
- Spelling homework (activities OR Spelling City) due on Friday
This week's spelling words: who, small, little, name, thing
October 20, 2016
Today, in class...
- We began planning our All About My Pumpkin for the bulletin board. Students created a mind map
- We had a music lesson on ascending and descending sounds. We used Halloween as our theme
- We had a computer block time for math prodigy where we looked at odd and even numbers and number lines/charts
- We had an engaging lesson on odd/even numbers. I created a scavenger hunt with QR Codes that had students looking for numbers in the school and identifying whether they were odd/even. Needless to say, it was a huge hit!
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Spelling due tomorrow
- Half day tomorrow
- Book orders due tomorrow
October 18, 2016
Today, in class...
- We had library time
- We had a religion class where we talked about how our family helps us make better choices. We talked about how God made us with his image.
- The grade 6s came and read to us
- They had gym with Mr. Hayes
- Computer lab time was spent on Spelling City to practice their spelling words
- We looked at character's point of view and summarizing stories. We are doing a book and character study on Stellaluna
- Practice spelling words on Spelling City
- Spelling test on Friday
October 17, 2016
Today, in class...
- Mrs. O'Neill was the sub for blocks 1-2 while I had an opportunity for IPP planning
- The students were assigned their new spelling words for the week (who, small, little, name thing)
- Students watched Stelllaluna read on Storyline Online and discussed the characters' different points of view
- We looked at words with ick, ack, and it endings. We thought of words with similar endings and worked on a worksheet in our Google Classroom page
- In math, we continued to work on our 100 chart. We filled in missing numbers and identified patterns
- In religion, we talked about how our family is like a classroom, similar to the one at home. We read stories from our textbook, talked about how our family helps us and supports us and how we can do the same in our classroom family
- We made drawings of our family loving and supporting us and uploaded them on to our individual Seesaw account
- Spelling test on Friday
- Spelling due on Friday
- Half day on Friday!
- Library books due tomorrow
October 14, 2016
Have a wonderful weekend!
Today, in class...
- We had a Morning Meeting, and set some goals for ourselves for the next week. We decided we are going to work on getting better at "working in/as groups"
- We set-up on Seesaw accounts. Students filmed their partners explaining the physical geography of the three communities we have been studying
- We looked at 100 charts. Students explored counting by 2s, 5s, 10s
- Students filled in missing numbers in the number chart
- We discussed weather as part of social studies unit. We are not exploring climate. Students looked at the weather in our community and used different web sources to find out more about the weather
- Book orders due back on Oct 21
October 12, 2016
No spelling words for October 12-14, 2016
Today, in class...
- We read Stellaluna and discussed the beginning, middle, and the end
- We all got signed up on Google Classroom for 2U. We did a worksheet on Google Classroom and the students turned it into me using the "turn in" feature
- We worked on long vowels
- We began the math unit: Numbers 1-100
- Gym with Mr. Hayes
- We did our Art Cards (stay tuned!)
- no spelling on Friday
- no library this week
- bring Chrome Books tomorrow (if you have one!)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This week's spelling words: community, make, fall, Thanksgiving, outside
To quiz your child: which words are compound words (Thanksgiving, outside); which word has a long a sound (make), which word has a short a sound (fall); what are Regina, Bouctouche and Iqaluit are examples of (community)
October 6, 2016
Today, in class...
- Students were assessed on their repeating patterns and increasing patterns. Students created visuals of each
- Students had time on Math Prodigy
- We prepared for the Thanksgiving Celebration
- We made Thanksgiving art, with a focus on landscapes and collaging different shapes and colours to make trees/leaves
- We had a science experiment where we looked at a number of different liquids. Students described whether the liquid moved fast or slowly through an eye drop, making an observation then conclusion whether the liquid is viscous or not
- Thanksgiving celebration tomorrow! If you are free, we would love to have you and your families with us. It is at 2pm in the main gym.
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Spelling activities are due tomorrow
October 5, 2016
Today in class...
- We read our new library books
- We corrected "Sick Sentences"
- I read Stellaluna to the class. We are beginning our group novel study.
- In math we looked at pattern rules
- In social studies, we reviewed our three communities we are studying (Iqaluit, Bouctouche, Regina) and the provinces/territories they are in. We also looked at what an Inuit culture looks like
- Please have spelling test signed
- Please bring a food donation for the Food Drive
October 3, 2016
Today, in class...
- We defined our spelling words for the week. We used the Read&Write feature on Google Docs.
- We looked at "Sick Sentences," and we found ways to make them more interesting. We are using the resource http://pobble365.com/the-trench/ Feel free to test out the resource at home and have your child come up with ways to make the "Sick Sentences" more interesting by adding adjectives and better word choice.
- We looked at sorting numbers and identifying an error in a pattern
- We practiced our Thanksgiving Celebration
- We began a fall art project with watercolours
- Thanksgiving Celebration this Friday, October 7, 2016 in the gym at 2pm. We would love to have you there!
- Library books are due back tomorrow, October 4, 2016
- Spelling test on Fri
- Spelling activities due on Fri
- We are going to take a break from the hockey sticks for the week. Students can bring hockey sticks after the long weekend as of October 12, 2016
September 28, 2016
Today, in class...
- We practiced our spelling words
- We had computer lab time. We were practicing pattern problems on Math Prodigy. Students accounts are now active and they can access them. Tomorrow, I will send home login information so students can practice at home.
- We continued writing our personal narratives. Quiz your child tonight: (1) What are the 5 W's? (who, what, where, when, why) (2) What is a noun? Can you give me an example? (person, place, or thing) (3) What is an adjective? Can you give me an example? (describing word)
- We looked pictures of the land in Regina, Bouctouche, and Iqaluit. Students described the different regions and how they were similar/different from Alberta's land. Students googled images and responded on their Google Drive.
- Students completed their posters for the Food Drive yesterday, and today they went to a designated classroom to speak about what 2U is doing. Some of the students even spoke during announcements. They were very proud of themselves!
- Please bring donations for the Food Bank
- Library books are due tomorrow - please note library time will change for next week onwards; it will now be on Tuesdays during Block 1.
- Assembly on Thursday at 2:30 pm
- Wear orange on Friday
- Ms Upfold will be away on Friday, September 30, 2016 for a New Teacher Conference.
September 27, 2016
Today, in class...
- We continued working on compound words.
- We went into the computer lab, and familiarized ourselves with Google Drive. We started writing our personal narratives.
- We looked at liquids in science. Students discussed the properties of water and other liquids, and completed a worksheet on liquids.
- We continued solving problems using increasing patterns in math.
- We completed our Thanksgiving Food Drive posters and prepared speeches. Students will be going to designated classrooms in the school tomorrow to present to the students about what we are doing.
September 26, 2016
Today, in class...
- We looked at our new spelling words for the week: best, before, was, what, tell
- We began exploring personal narratives. Students created fall paintings last week, and they will be using that as inspiration to reflect on a favourite fall memory. We will be using our devices tomorrow to work on this.
- We began looking at compound words. Students worked in groups to create compound words.
- We continued looking at patterns. We are finding ways to solve problems using increasing patterns.
- We begun our Thanksgiving Celebration preparation. 2U will be hosting the Thanksgiving Celebration next Friday, October 7. I will confirm the time with the school, and we will welcome all families to attend. We are also combining with the WE Day Leadership Group and we will be running a food drive for the St. Albert Food Bank. Stay tuned for further details!
- Please sign your child's spelling test from this past Friday and return for tomorrow.
- Spelling test on Friday. I will be away at a conference, but I will have the sub informed on procedures. If your child will be away this Friday, please let me know and I can administer the test on Thursday.
- Spelling homework due on Friday. Please submit in the purple duo-tang, or have children create a document on their Google account and share to me electronically.
- Wear orange on Friday in remembrance for those children affected by residential schools. For more information, please follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sZ4cqO5kZo
- Bring warm clothing donations for the the WE Warm Hearts fundraiser. They are looking for donations to be brought in by Friday, September 31. Please note they are looking for new or gently used winter items.